Monday, September 19, 2011

combine multiple pdfs into one with pdftk

At first glance this topic might seem like an easy fix, but if you stop and think about it, there are few quick and easy methods for merging two or more PDF files. The desired end result is one PDF file that contains all of the information from the original two or more files without any noticeable breaks or ugly indications of a hack.

If the PDF files are yours, the intelligent thing to do is to combine them before you export them into PDF format. But if you no longer have the original documents, or you want to combine files that were not yours originally, such as bank statements, tax forms, etc., you will need pdftk.

Short for “pdf toolkit”, pdftk allows you to merge PDF documents, split PDF pages into new documents, rotate PDF pages, decrypt and encrypt, update metadata, apply watermarks, and much more. It is free and open source software available for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, and Solaris. Best of all, it does not require Acrobat or any other Adobe products to work.

To begin you will need to make sure that you have pdftk installed. In Ubuntu, run this command in a terminal:

sudo apt-get install pdftk

(or use Synaptic to install pdftk)

1. Once you have pdftk installed, you will need to run it from the command line, so start the terminal application you prefer (i.e. gnome terminal, xterm, xfterm, konsole).

2. Change to the directory containing your PDF files:

cd ~/pdf-directory

3. Decide what order you want the PDF files to appear in the final document. You will use that order when typing the command line string.

4. Type the following string, listing your PDF files in the order you want them to appear:

pdftk file1.pdf file2.pdf file3.pdf cat output newfile.pdf

That is all it takes. Be sure to check the new PDF file to make sure all of the new pages display correctly. The merging process is seamless, painless, and should work on any regular PDF files you have.

To combine multiple documents in a directory without listing each one, use wildcards (*):

pdftk *.pdf cat output newfile.pdf

As an added bonus, pdftk can perform many other tasks. For example, to split a pdf file’s pages into multiple documents, run the following command:

pdftk newfile.pdf burst

This will split the document into single pages that you can then manipulate as you see fit.

With pdftk you can even merge certain pages from within multiple documents into one new document. Just enter the following command:

pdftk A=one.pdf B=two.pdf cat A1-7 B1-5 A8 output combined.pdf

In this case, “A” and “B” are used as “handles” for the names of your documents. You can use as many as you need.

To encrypt your new PDF file, use the following command:

pdftk mydoc.pdf output mydoc.128.pdf owner_pw foopass

This only touches the surface of the many functions of PDF manipulation available with pdftk. The project’s website gives a good overview of commands and also provides full documentation. The site itself describes this powerful program the best:

“If PDF is electronic paper, then pdftk is an electronic staple-remover, hole-punch, binder, secret-decoder-ring, and X-Ray-glasses.”

pdftk is available for installation on many Linux distributions or can be built from source on numerous operating systems.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Basic vi Commands

1. open file: vi filename
2. enter the insert mode: i
3. turns off the Insert mode:
4. enter command model: shift + :
5. exit vi: q
exit vi and save file: wq
exit vi and not save file: q!
6. delete entire current line: dd

error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

When run Fortran program, and meet the following problem:

./zzzzz: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Compile the Fortran program again, with ifort, or gfortran, or pgf90 ......

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Combine multiple PDFs into one file in Ubuntu Linux (zz)


It is very useful to combine multiple PDF documents into one file. This is useful especially if you accumulate many PDFs (newsletters, bills, etc.) over time.

Preparing Your system

sudo apt-get install gs pdftk

Now we will see one example how to combine pdf files let us assume we have 1.pdf,2.pdf,3.pdf files and now we need to cobmine this files using the following command

gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOUTPUTFILE=combinedpdf.pdf -dBATCH 1.pdf 2.pdf 3.pdf

In the above command after “-sOUTPUTFILE=” type whatever name you want for the merged file (don’t forget to append .pdf to the end of the file name). Rename “1.pdf 2.pdf 3.pdf” to whatever your file names are (separate your file names with a space).

After you run the above command, a new PDF file called combinedpdf.pdf will be created with your individual files merged according to the order you list.

If you want to know more options available for gs command check man page

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Error: Permission denied

After installed KILE, and open KILE, a error displayed:
"Unable to save bookmarks in /home/me/.kde/share/apps/kfileplaces/bookmarks.xml. Reported error was: Insufficient permissions in target directory.. This error message will only be shown once. The cause of the error needs to be fixed as quickly as possible, which is most likely a full hard drive."

$sudo chmod -R 777 /home/me/.kde

Note: donot forget "-R"